Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.
A514 grade Q alloy steel plate,The mechanical properties of steel plate are related to elastic or inelastic reaction or related to stress-strain relationship. Tensile strength, yield point, elongation and impact absorption energy are the main indexes to express the mechanical properties of hot rolled steel plate. Its value represents the ability of steel to resist various actions, which is the main criterion to evaluate the quality of steel material, and also the main basis for material selection and strength calculation in steel plate design.
A514 grade Q alloy steel plate,"A573 grade 70 steel chemical composition(%)Carbon max. 0.28: Manganese: 0.85-1.20Phosphorus Max.: 0.03Sulfur Max.: 0.03Silicon: 0.15-0.40A573 Grade 70 steel mechanical propertiesTensile strength min. MPa: 290Yield strength min. MPa: 485Elongation % min. in 200mm : 18Elongation % min. in 50mm : 21"
The tensile strength of seamless steel pipe is more than 8-10 times of that of ordinary steel, and its elastic modulus is better than that of steel, with excellent creep resistance, corrosion resistance and seismic resistance; the mechanical performance of seamless steel pipe is excellent, easy to machine, etc.; the seamless steel pipe is highly elastic, reused in mechanical equipment, memoryless, deformation free, and antistatic.A514 grade Q alloy steel plate
A514 grade Q alloy steel plate,As one of the large professional metallurgical manufacturers in China, the strength of the brand, quality assurance, professional after-sales Every day we are making unremitting efforts to challenge higher quality products and more satisfactory services Customer demand is our pursuit, and win customer satisfaction with quality BBN aftersales team is responsible to solve the problem of technical support and quality, service complaints,A514 grade Q alloy steel plate.
A514 grade Q alloy steel plate,Our company has its own steel plate manufacturing plant, processing plant and steel pipe plant. We can machine the steel according to the customer's requirements and meet the customer's requirements. If you want to ask any questions about steel products, please contact us directly. Our customer service staff will give you a detailed answer. If you want to purchase steel products, please tell me your specific needs, we have professional business personnel to communicate with you.A514 grade Q alloy steel plate