Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.
Q355NHB steel plate is atmospheric corrosion-resistant steel plate, also known as weather-resistant steel plate. It is a low alloy steel series between general steel and stainless steel. Weather-resistant steel is made of ordinary carbon steel with a few corrosion-resistant elements such as copper and nickel. Q355NHB steel sheet is featured by good toughness, plastic extension, forming, welding and cutting, abrasion, high temperature, fatigue resistance, etc.
Tianjin warehouse mainly stores steel plates and steel pipes. The monthly replenishment is about 12000 tons. Our inventory cycle is short and flexible. Shanghai warehouse mainly stores stainless steel and section steel. The average monthly purchase volume is about 15000 tons. The geographical location of the warehouse has greatly improved our performance in terms of transportation and delivery time.
Square hollow section S355J2H to Turkey. In January of 2015, our customer from Turkey chose us as their supplier of seamless RHS EN10219 S355J2H with a trail order of 120 tons. They required DNV test for the MTC and each tube. DNV inspector tested all the tubes and MTC. When our customer received the reports, they gave us a second order of 852.5 tons. Since then we maintain a long time cooperation relationship.A572 Gr 60 CS steel carbon plate
Welcome to our company to purchase, our products are exported to all parts of the world every month, the quality is guaranteed, the price is very preferential. Therefore, it has won great trust and praise from customers. Every month, it needs to purchase some steel plates, steel pipes and other major products. If you have any need, please contact us in time!A572 Gr 60 CS steel carbon plate
The company focuses on two markets at home and abroad, and has a group of 56 experienced sales elites and professional and technical personnel It can provide customers with drawing design, deep processing services and installation solutions 20 years of project experience has provided high-quality carbon steel, alloy steel products and high-quality after-sales service to customers in many countries around the world The company has won widespread praise from customers,A572 Gr 60 CS steel carbon plate.